One of the platforms I least understood when I really started to get serious about Blogging was TWITTER. I didn´t understand why I needed it and why some people said they loved it…
It just didn´t make sense to me. Fast Forward one year and I now love it! Seriously. It´s the social media platform I spend most of my time on and never want to leave. You meet the coolest people on there and it´s so much FUN!
When I started out I didn´t know where to begin and THESE WERE THE QUESTIONS I ASKED MYSELF…
- How did Twitter really work?
- What benefits were there for me as a food & travel blogger?
- Could I really connect with Brands on Twitter?
- Could I really be paid to Tweet?
- Who did I follow?
- Who did I follow back?
- How did retweeting work? etc etc
Then I met Saira from MomResource who interviewed me on her blog. Saira is a Twitter buff and generously started to share her amazing tips with the rest of us ladies who joined her Facebook group. She showed us a few things on how to set up our accounts correctly like for example how to set up automatic retweeting, automatic messaging, how to grow our followers based on hashtags in our niche markets, etc etc. She explained that our Twitter accounts are like magazines and we are the magazine editors deciding which articles to publish based on what is relevant to our audience + which ads (for example: affiliate links, paid tweets, etc) to include. Soon enough, the more time I spent on it, and the more I followed her input, the more it started to make sense..
Whether you are totally new to online business or have been blogging for a while, Saira´s tips will definitely help you meet & connect with your ideal audience, like how to…
- Quickly find the right followers and attract them by the thousands
- Exponentially grow your social media presence
- Align yourself with other influencers
- Create content that gets noticed
Based on her recommendations my account started to grow. At that time I had less than 1000 followers and I was following way more people because hardly anyone was following me back. BUT I´m pleased to say (because of Saira´s help) I stand at 11K followers at this very moment! Just mentioning it, makes me all giddy inside, And I know I will be growing even more in the next few months 🙂 🙂
I know how hard it is to be a Blogger, trying to get ahead of the stream, in between creating new recipes or new content, writing blog posts and then still finding the time to promote it on social media! It can all be super overwhelming! That´s why Saira´s tips have been a lifesaver for me and now I´m able to use my Twitter account to meet awesome people, like you guys, and connect with Brands I love!
That´s why I´m sharing the release of Saira´s INFLUENCERS 101 COURSE with you guys, because I know her tips are invaluable and that it will help you grow your Twitter account the way I have. She has been kind enough to release a mini course for free (who doesn´t like the word free..!?), which you can see by clicking here. I promise you, by just implementing these basic steps you will see a huge improvement on the growth of your account!
On a side note, but still pertaining to this post, I have been helping other Bloggers with the monthly maintenance, scheduling, pay per click campaigns and community building of their Twitter accounts, And they have been seeing some really awesome results. If you´d like me to help YOU with that too, just send me an email with your needs to enquiries[at]johleneorton[dot]com and I´ll happily send you a customized quote. You can read more about my services here. ps. If needed, I can provide you with Testimonials from my clients too!
Happy Tweeting Guys and here´s to many more Twitter followers!!
Liz Jo says
Great information! I don’t use twitter but will save this for the future if I do.
Thanks for linking up with Welcome Home Wednesdays!
Debrashoppeno5 says
I like the rest, I really don’t understand the value of twitter. You have helped me understand it a little bit more. Thanks.
Johlene Orton says
I never understood it too and NOW I seriously LOVE it!! 🙂
Rheagan @ Where the Wild Rose Grows says
Great tips! Thanks for the info! I’m just returning to blogging after taking some time off to have my daughter and want to get serious about my social media presence. Twitter has always intimidated me, especially when you see how well some people use it. Hopefully I can put some of this into practice!
Johlene Orton says
I agree it can all be very intimidating but once you understand the dynamics of each social media channel things start to get VERY exciting 🙂 🙂
Janet Vinyard says
Hi Johlene, Thanks for this info – I’m one of those who doesn’t understand Twitter at all! But I’m going to read your links and see if I can get it! Blessings, Janet
Johlene Orton says
You´re most welcome Janet. Feel free to ask if you need any more clarity 🙂
Ayelet says
Cool! Great tips! Thanks for the post 🙂
Johlene Orton says
You´re most welcome Ayelet 🙂
Ashley @ Wishes & Dishes says
I have been wanting to grow my twitter for the longest time! Thank you for the tips!!
Johlene Orton says
You´re so welcome Ashley!! 🙂
Anu - My Ginger Garlic Kitchen says
Twitter is the least active social media I use. Thanks for these tips, they are so helpful! 🙂
Johlene Orton says
You´re most welcome Anu! I know they will help you grow your Twitter account!
Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary says
Obviously I need to check out Saira´s tips, because while I have twitter, I don’t like it. I’m a picture person, so twitter kind of annoys me. After reading this I am thinking I am just going about it ALL WRONG. Thanks for posting this, Johlene!! Can’t wait to learn more. Cheers, sweets!
Johlene Orton says
I am a visual person too and only check out the posts where there is an image. Those are he post on Twitter that perform the best on Twitter anyway 🙂
David @ Spiced says
Ah, Twitter! I agree with you, Johlene. It’s my least favorite social network. It’s like standing in a huge room shouting with a million other people and hoping someone actually hears you. Thanks for the info about the Twitter course! 🙂
Johlene Orton says
Yes it is exactly like that! But if you target the right audience and make sure you tweet regularly things start falling into place 🙂