Today I want to show you how to use Pinterest for business! Did you know that Pinterest has more than 150 million active users which 70 million of are based in the US?! The average monthly searches on Pinterest total 2 billion. 2 BILLION! Those are some awesome stats and the reason why you can´t afford not to share your business on Pinterest!
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5 Ways you can use Pinterest for business
- Sales (affiliate/services/products)
- Building your email list
- Creating brand awareness
- Expand your reach
- Drive traffic to your site
Pinterest is the perfect place to drive sales. Affiliate sales, Product sales, Courses, etc. You can’t afford to not promote your business on this amazing social platform! You might not see a huge increase in direct sales but you will be able to build your loyal customer base and that´s where the real sales begin.
The more people on your email list, the more opportunity to create loyal followers who are interested in your product or services (see SALES above). These are the people who know you and trust you and will be more likely to buy your product or services down the road. Pinterest is the perfect place to grow your loyal followers base. Create awesome pins that link to awesome content and make sure you follow it up with an opportunity for people to join your email list. You can even set it up according to interest/s (blog topic/s) which means that you only send them emails based on the interest they have shown. Need help setting this up? Send me an email to
We are all visually stimulated, right? Use great images on Pinterest to visually entice your potential followers (customers) and chances are very good they´ll either save or click your pin. This is their introduction to your brand. The more they know about you, the more they´ll want to know and eventually come to love you. Keep creating good content and make sure you match that up with awesome pinnable images! It´s a win-win situation.
Chances are that your Pinterest audience is different from your other social media platforms and that means a new audience. A new target market. A new loyal follower. A new sale. The more people that know about and follow your brand, the more opportunity for growth.
Like I said before, first-off make sure your images are exceptional and that those images link to content that is valuable to your reader. Also, make sure your descriptions in your pins are packed with keywords (Pinterest like Google is a search engine) and you´ll see how your Pinterest traffic increases organically. Trust me, it will be a natural process. Pinterest now is my #1 traffic driver! It never used to be, then I started using Tailwind and learned as much as I could of how Pinterest works. I love listening to the Simple Pin Media Podcast because I´ve learned so much from it! In her podcast, Kate shares valuable insights as she interviews people who have learned to make use of this powerful platform in multiple ways! If you haven´t listened to it yet, I urge you to!
I use Tailwind to schedule my pins on Pinterest. It has grown my business from just over 2k followers to over 10k! I have used strategies to build my email list which has meant an increase in my loyal follower base – those people who want (and wait) to see what I´ve got to say. I seriously can´t promote this tool enough! I also make use of the Boardbooster “Schedule” tool. If you want to learn more about these tools, leave a comment below and perhaps I can write a more detailed post/s on both of them..?
If you need help to set up your account or schedule pins send me an email to I manage Pinterest accounts for various clients and we have seen some awesome results using these tools and implementing different strategies! If you need help growing your account, let me know!
Need help with improving your Photography? I wrote this post 10 Tips how to improve your blog photographs. These 10 tips will take your blog photography to the next level, that I can promise you!
I really hope this post has inspired you to take your Pinterest strategy to the next level and move your business forward in the right direction.
If you like what you see, fill out your details in the box below to know when I will be posting something new.
Anja Skrba says
A lot of bloggers recommend Tailwind – I noticed that in the last couple of months…I’m kinda used to Buffer though 🙂
Johlene Orton says
Hi Anja 🙂 I use to use Buffer too but it doesn´t allow me to schedule the way Tailwind does. I would say Tailwind is more hands free…
David @ Spiced says
Yes! I love Pinterest! It really is my favorite social media, and as a food blogger, Pinterest just makes the most sense for me. But I can really get lost searching for fun things on Pinterest, too. There are so many creative folks out there! Thanks so much for the tips and tricks here, Johlene! 🙂
Johlene Orton says
It makes sense to me too! Those images are there to stay, meaning they are always visible on the board.
I often get lost on Pinterest! It´s really addictive! Happy weekend from tomorrow 🙂